Successful application in new City of York 'red zone'

10 Jul

City of York Council has included a Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) within its Licensing Policy since 2005. Following statutory changes to CIAs last year the Council reviewed its policy further and recently introduced a new ‘red zone’ area, which shows the highest density of negative ‘occurrences’.

Last week on behalf of our client, we attended the first licensing application to be heard by the Council’s licensing sub-committee for a premises located in the ‘red zone’. The application was a variation seeking two extra trading hours on Fridays and Saturdays.

We are pleased to confirm that the application was granted following productive discussions with the Police during the consultation period and pursuant to conditions being imposed as part of the determination.

The outcome is testament to the ethos of partnership working with the authorities, a crucial requirement particularly where a premises is within a Cumulative Impact Area and the legal minefield this creates for applicants.

If you are considering a licensing application within a CIA and would like assistance in this, please contact our team of solicitors for expert advice.

Law correct at the date of publication.
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